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2024-05-05 17:12:35

Ukraine: Milliardenschäden durch Angriffe auf Energiesystem
Russlands jüngste Angriffe auf die Versorgungsinfrastruktur haben nach Angaben der Regierung in Kiew Schäden von mehr als einer Milliarde Dollar verursacht. Energieminister German Galuschtschenko sagte, da die Angriffe noch anhielten, werde die Summe noch steigen. Die Attacken richteten sich vor allem gegen Wärme- und Wasserkraftwerke sowie auf das Stromnetz. "Das Sy…

How significant is Russia’s apparent interception of military talks on Ukraine?
The main benefit to Moscow is to try to publicly exploit the leaks against the German chancellor, who will nevertheless continue to come under western and Ukrainian pressure to donate the Taurus missiles, not least because in the leaked call the German experts say they believe 10-20 might be able to blow up the Kerch Bridge.
“The UK was the first country to provide long-range precision strike missile…
2024-03-02 10:02:59

Dass eins Mut braucht, um sich auf eine Kommunalwahlliste setzen zu lassen, hätte ich vor ein paar Jahren auch nicht gedacht. Ich sag's wie's ist: Ich freue mich nicht auf den Wahlkampf. Aber ich werde mich auch nicht ins stille Kämmerlein zurückziehen, denn darauf zielen solche Angriffe ja ab:
2024-05-09 23:27:45

I had to follow up several times with one of the largest German question-and-answer platforms to get my "right to be forgotten" enforced. The answers to my request are pure comedy. They obviously don't understand the #gdpr or don't want to understand it (which wou…
2024-03-01 02:46:22

@… not exactly an answer to your question, but it's available on Amazons german site, so at least it isn't US-exclusive
2024-05-04 11:29:04

Ask 100 people how big an age gap creates the mythical power imbalance that allows the magic brainwashing of grooming to take place.
No two people will give you the same answer. And no answer will have any scientific basis at all. Everyone will be making up bullshit.
2024-04-27 09:46:03

Pas peut fier de moi - Proud of myself.
20k quest answered in #streetcomplete
Vingt mille quêtes !!!
#osm #opendata

Screenshot of 20k.
Ive mostly worked in France, flags of countries I did streetcomplete usa France sapin greece NL ne Germany canada uk
Quest I answered grouped by how many
2024-03-30 18:48:22

Wait, I'm confused.
I know a bunch of Christians demand that We Must Respect Christmas and Ensure It Remains Holy.
Haven't heard a goddam word out of them about Easter.
You know, the Holy Day that is actually really important to their faith.
Guess it just isn't as commercially viable for them to demand fealty.
(Or maybe they don't like answering questions about bunnies, eggs, and why it's named after a Germanic goddess.)
2024-05-09 23:27:45

I had to follow up several times with one of the largest German question-and-answer platforms to get my "right to be forgotten" enforced. The answers to my request are pure comedy. They obviously don't understand the #gdpr or don't want to understand it (which wou…
2024-03-02 17:25:48

Grünen-Fraktionsvize: Putin will Deutschland destabilisieren
Grünen-Fraktionsvizechefin Agnieszka Brugger warnt vor russischen Sabotageaktionen angesichts der Wahlen in Deutschland in den kommenden Monaten. "Die Ereignisse der letzten Tage zeigen einmal mehr, wie Wladimir Putin versucht, gerade in Deutschland durch Desinformation, Destabilisierung und Spionage massiv negativen Einfluss auf unsere offene Gesellschaft zu nehmen"…